Day 23 – Lets get naked

What does one do when one can’t eat comfort and rewarding food?

One of the things about this whole thing is habit breaking.

For us, that has meant not reaching for comfort food, avoidance food, nurture food, procrastination food, social food …. etc etc etc and creating new habits of healthy food, and a repertoire of go-to recipes to create those new easy habits when we are hungry.

It has also meant that we have stopped a very opulent habit of eating out …  A LOT.  We were formerly brunch and good coffee junkies.  So, this way of eating has meant we have been eating IN, A LOT, and it feels like it should.  The fun of getting to the end of a week’s groceries, and rustling up something yummy even though it feels like ‘there’s nothing in the fridge’ (what that used to mean was ‘there’s nothing in the fridge i really want to eat … lets’s eat out).

So, that has created space.  Space to explore other ways of enjoying our time together, and it’s given me a lot more productive time overall actually.

Which brings me to the naked part …..

I’ve always loved getting my kit off*… skinny dipping day or night, going to naked beaches, or in particular, there used to be a Korean Bathhouse in Sydney, which was naked only and gender separate.  It was a ridiculously luscious way to spend time with my girlfriends, before or after a nice meal together.  (And I introduced a couple of friends to the idea of being naked in public, and helped them over their fear).

*Post script on the kit off part … reflecting a few days later on Day28.  Actually that was not entirely true (the always part).  I loved getting my kit off as a kid (who doesn’t), and there was quite a blip on the radar ya know, around puberty and early adulthood… and then at some time somewhere I decided I wanted to be the kind of person that was comfortable enough with my body that I could be naked in company… uninhibited.  EVEN if it meant (obviously) exposing my ….. drum roll…. stomach …. to the world!  Yes, wasn’t worried about my bits, I was worried about revealing (I think it’s fat but it’s really not) stomach!  Early days of bathing expeditions or the odd skinny dip were not the most comfortable of events, yet, the more I did them the more I got used to them … then discovered friends who liked to go au-naturale, and the more comfortable it became.  Anhow … back to the story…

Enter The Netherlands

Hot Naked Wonderland

They have happily adopted the Finnish tradition of saunas, and as we discovered yesterday taken it to a whole new level.  We found this Spa Hotel complex, which had at least four saunas (one had music, another had a fire place, another special aromas), at least three or four steam rooms (both the saunas and the steam rooms were HUGE… like you could fit at least fifty people in each, comfortably)…. four hot tubs/spas of varying sizes, two ‘hot water bath/beds’, plus a humongous warm swimming pool right in the middle!  Half of it was inside, and the other, you swim through plastic flaps that hung from the short opening, to the outside!!!  Half of these saunas, steam rooms and hot tubs were outside, and given it was three degrees outside and there was still snow on the ground, it was a fabulous way to cool off after the sauna (and even better at night under an almost full moon!).  Of course there were also cold showers and cold plunge pools as per tradition.

Yep that would be mixed gender hot nakedness

The best thing though…. this massive complex was mixed gender, and naked only.  Never seen anything like it.  Every age group of adults imaginable.  All shapes and sizes.  Many couples, groups of girlfriends, and mates there together.  Wandering naturally around, uninhibited and happy.  No sleaziness.  Just happy naked luxuriation in these beautifully created warm and nourishing bathing places.

Bodies are so beautiful – in every shape and size

It continues to be so refreshing to witness other peoples bodies.  They are so beautiful.  I know myself and most women I know are so very judgemental about their bodies, and usually, being too fat or some variation of that.  This should be a must for everyone, to realise, that for one, the magazine model body is just almost non-existent, and that there is beauty in all the wonderful shapes that people come in.  The most beautiful thing is being comfortable in your own skin.  Anyhow, I digress.

Everyone should do it!  It is so liberating

Wandering in-between it was customary to put on a bath robe.  Also the luxuriant relaxation area upstairs, had beds and comfy couches, where they would serve you beverages and snacks.  This was robe-only as well.

Absolutely divine.

We are really loving the shifting of our focus toward these kinds of fun things we can do as part of our healthy life!

We will be back.


Food Diary

Lazy Sunday morning wake up and skyping with Australia … meant whilst I was finishing my call to my Brother, Steve whipped up a delicious mince meat omelette, complete with barista-quality pour-over coffee … at around 12.30 pm.

Snack:  Dates and nuts at about 5pm before we left for the baths

Dinner:  None!

Exercise Diary

1 hour return ride to bath house